Beltecno at Swatch Jal Maharashtra IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mumbai.

January 19, 2018 Mumbai, India

The conference Swatch Jal Maharashtra-2018 was held in IMC Chamber of commerce and Industry, Mumbai on Jan 19, 2018. It was again a great experience for Beltecno to attend such a significant meet where delegates from different industries were gathered to listen experts from different public and non-public organizations.

The confrence was summarized in two themes

  • Ensuring safe drinking water for all 24X7 water supply
  • Wastewater as valuable resource- Innovations in wastewater recycle and reuse.

Swatch Jal Maharashtra

A special thanks to TV9 Marathi & Water Digest for conducting such conference.

Highlights of conference

Nearly three fourth of India’s population living in rural areas do not have access to safe drinking water, whereas urban areas that have access to supply water also struggle water cuts due to shortage. This predicament is not new to Maharashtra as well. City like Mumbai that is heavily reliant on its under capacity lakes and on increasingly intermittent rains also facing shortage cum crisis of potable water.

In India, nearly 62,000 million litres sewage is generated per day in urban areas. In rural India, an estimated 600 million plus people, lack sanitation facilities. Out of the total sewage generated from urban, only 23,277 Million Litres is treated. In Mumbai alone, 2100 Million Litres a day is pumped into the sea, out of which only 70% gets basic preliminary treatment.     

Water digest

The National water policy an initiative by Indian Government, aims to govern the planning and development of water resources and their optimum utilisation. 

Wastewater as a source of raw materials

  • In addition to providing a safe alternative source for freshwater, wastewater is also potential source of raw materials (2017 UN world water Report)
  • Owing to developments in treatment techniques, certain nutrients, like phosphorus and nitrates, can now be recovered from sewage and sludge and turned into fertilizer.
  • According to the 2017 UN world report, it is estimated that nearly 22% of global demand for phosphorus (a depleting mineral resource) can be met by treating human urine and excrement.
  • Similarly, Organic substances contained in waste water can be used to produce bio gas, which could power wastewater treatment facilities as well as contribute to energy needs of local communities.

Session Chaired by-

Mr. K.P. Bakshi, Chairman, Maharashtra water Resources Regulatory Authority

Mr. Satish D. Umrikar, Director, Water Supply and Sanitation Organisation, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Dr. A.K. Nema, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi

Mr. A.V. Suresh, Trustee, Tandarust Bharat Foundation (Ex. CEO & MD Eureka Forbes Ltd.)

Mr. Yousuf Kabir, WASH Specialist, DRR & Emergency Focal point, UNICEF Maharashtra

Mr. Pramod Charankar, Former Dy. Commissioner, Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation

Dr. Amar Supate, Principal Scientific Officer, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Mr. Ajay Popat, President, Ion Exchange (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Anshuman, Associate Director, TERI

Mr. Dipankar Biswas, AGM (PE-Mech), NTPC Limited.

The Conference, “Swachh Jal Maharashtra” was a great connect between policy makers, government and Industry players to contribute together towards aligning and achieving the National goals for ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water for all by 2030.

Key discussion points:

  1. What are the key challenges in meeting the gap in provision of safe drinking water in rural and urban India, and how can they be overcome?
  2. What are the technological innovations that can enhance sustainable provision of safe and affordable drinking water for all?
  3. What are the key strategies implemented in Maharashtra region?

Followed by the Networking lunch I also got an opportunity to meet and discuss various points with industry experts and delegates from reputed organisations. 

We have also attended Swatch Jal Swatch Bharat Conference New Delhi


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