Interview with Mr.Takeshita from Beltecno Japan on his Internship Experience at CII (Confederation Of Indian Industry) in New Delhi, India

Name: Kazuhiko Takeshita

Place in India: CII (Confederation Of Indian Industry), Delhi & NCR (National Capital Region)

Internship Duration: 3 months



Beltecno always try to enhance the skillset of their employees and staff members by providing them different training programs and global internships. In regard of this we conducted a small interview of Mr. Kazuhiko Takeshita who is head of office for new business in Beltecno corporation, been sent to India from Japan to conduct a study on Indian market and its business potential in coming years. This three-month internship was conducted by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), New Delhi, India.

Q1-How did you know about CII (Confederation of India Industry)?

I learned about CII through METI (Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry). METI was the one that helped me organize this three-month internship with CII, which is one of the biggest organizations in India.

Q2-What was the main reason you attended this internship?

I completed this internship in order to better understand the Indian market/Indian business culture and to see Beltecno India from an external point of view. For Beltecno India to expand and develop, I needed to approach it from a different perspective.

 Beltecno Internship Experience

Q3-In the future, how do you think this internship would help us? And what kind of markets do you think we can reach through CII?

CII has over 8000 members from a variety of companies and organizations that Beltecno has not partnered with yet. I think that by reaching out to this large community, Beltecno will be able to forge stronger ties to the Indian market which will lead to success in the future. Specifically, infrastructure and water oriented organizations in CII will be most beneficial to work with. 

Q4-Which specific department work was assigned to you during Internship?

I worked in the MSME (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) department during my internship. I helped to provide these types of businesses with the necessary information, regulations, policies, and tools that they needed to successfully grow.

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India’s Traditional water storage reservoir for supply water

Q5-Who was your mentor in your Internship? How did he help you throughout your time at CII?

One of my mentors was Mr. Vignesh Kumar and he is a part of the MSME department. He did a great job of mentoring me, and providing me with helpful information and contacts that I will be able to use in the future.

Q6-Which part of the internship did you find the most challenging?

The biggest challenge of the internship was trying to understand the specific needs of the micro, small, and medium sized companies that I was assisting. Each company has a unique situation that requires a different approach in order for them to be successful. Varying degrees of prior knowledge and different regulatory requirements by industry resulted in challenges that I had to learn to overcome.

Q7-What was your experience during the internship?

Overall, I had a great experience and was able to increase my understanding of CII and how it plays a role in the Indian market. I had the opportunity to tour manufacturing plants throughout India which gave me valuable insight into the operations side of Indian business. By working with various companies, I became more aware of India’s unique business culture.


Visiting manufacturing plant in India

Q8-According to you, what are the major relevant conferences and seminars we should look forward to attending?

Beltecno India should attend conferences related to water and infrastructure such as the Water Innovation Summit put on by the CII-Triveni Water Institute.

Q9-What is your observation on the working culture of CII? 

I enjoyed the working culture of CII because it was very focused on collaboration and teamwork. Communication was a key aspect of the company culture which made it easy to work with others.

Q10-After your CII internship, would you recommend these types of programs in India to others?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this type of program to others. I gained valuable experience in an Indian company and will now be able to take what I have learned and apply to it to Beltecno.

Q11-What are your final thoughts on the internship and how confident are you with what you have learned? 

The internship overall was a great learning opportunity and I am very confident that this internship provided me with valuable experience that I can use to help Beltecno succeed in the future. The Indian market is growing rapidly and there is a great opportunity for future development.

Q12-From the knowledge you gained during your internship at CII, how will Beltecno move forward in India? 

With a better understanding of the Indian market and Indian business structure, Beltecno is looking forward to helping India develop a clean water infrastructure with our stainless steel tanks that will benefit both the current population and future generations.

Q13-Apart from CII internship what was your experience in India (like, living experiences)?

Living in India was quite different from Japan but I really enjoyed my time there. 

Agra_CII.pngMy only complaint would be that I would like to see an improvement of air pollution in Delhi. The food was incredible though and I loved trying all of the different variations of curry.

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