Interview of trainees from Vietnam, who are active at Beltecno, Japan!



 Trainees From Vietnam

(Vietnamese people are training and learning technical skills in the Beltecno Kyushu Plant at the moment.)



(Kien has grown greatly after one year)


【Interview to Kien】

Q1:What is your name?

   Nguyễn Văn Kiên

 Q2:Which part of Vietnam, you are from?

   Ho chi mien.

 Q3:What did you think of the Kyushu plant when you came to Japan for the first time.

   It is a very big plant.

 Q4:How about working in Beltecno?

   I am enjoying welding work and it is a worthwhile job!

 Q5:How do you find life in Japan?

   It is very convenient and food is very hygienic and safe.

 Q6:What is your favorite Japanese food?

   Sushi, Tempura, Ramen Noodle ant so on…

              I cannot remember the name! (Smile)

 Q7:What would like to learn from Beltecno from now on?

   I want to make Beltecno’s tanks by myself.

 Q8:What do you think about Beltecno?

   It is very nice company!

               All the Japanese staff are very kind and support us in our lives, our work,

              and using the Japanese language, etc.

 Q9:What is your future dream?

   I want to establish my company after 8 years. 


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(Mr. Sakuragi: instructing the trainees with enthusiasm)


【Comment from Mr. Sakuragi: Executive Manager of HR Development】

 Q1: What was the first impression when you were given the information that Vietnamese people will

be training at the Kyushu plant?

I was wondering about Vietnamese trainees, what the level of their skills would be, such as doing a chore, light work and welding.

Also, how much time we need for the preparation to accept the trainees.


Q2:When you met Vietnamese trainees for the first time, what did you feel?

I felt that they were affable and motivated.


Q3:Have you changed your impression of Vietnamese trainees after starting work together?

   No, I found they have a very serious attitude to work.


Q4:Is there anything that you are keeping in mind for the education of the trainees?

I need to be very patient and understanding due to language differences when teaching the new skills that are needed. Also, when we notice any changes in the trainees, such as illness, we always take care of them.


Q5:What is the hardest parts regarding the education of trainees?

We found each trainee has a different level of Japanese learning skills, so there is a big gap in teaching work skills according to their Japanese language level.

Q6:What is your expectation of the trainees.

We hope they contribute to our Beltecno Group, not only in Japan but also all over the world!


Q7:What would you hope for their future.

    We hope it is a very nice experience for them to learn about Japanese culture and technology.


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(Beltecno Plant Co. Ltd. in Kyushu, Japan where Vietnamese trainees are working hard for training.)


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