Safe Water Storage: Welded Stainless Steel Tanks for India

According to a World Bank report, water pollution can reduce GDP growth in downstream areas by up to a third. 

Water Pollution in India is a concerning issue as every industry depends on the water supply. But what is more critical than this is its negative effects on people's health.

Due to the lack of safe and pure drinking water and lack of proper water storage solutions people often suffer from various diseases and in some unfortunate cases even die.

Industries also suffer from poor water quality. Water pollution causes contamination and corrosion and reduces the product life span of stainless steel water tanks. 

This ultimately leads to an increase in the maintenance and replacement cost of the tank.

If you are also facing water pollution challenges and looking for Safe Water Storage: Welded Stainless Steel Tanks then you are at the right place!

Why is Stainless Steel Water Storage an Ideal Choice?

An infographic showing Water Issues Solved with Beltecno Tanks

Stainless steel water tanks are an ideal choice for safe water storage solutions in India due to various reasons. Its build-up technology, durability, flexibility, corrosion resistance, and non-reactive properties make it an ​​appropriate choice against water pollution.

Although it has a good build-up quality, continuous exposure to saline and acidic water can deteriorate it in the long run. Water Pollutants can include garbage, various chemicals, sewage, industrial waste, etc.

Water pollutants interacting with stainless steel tanks can cause corrosion by breaking down the protective oxide layer on the steel surface. Chlorides and acids, in particular, can lead to pitting or general corrosion, compromising the tank's structure.

Surface contamination from metal particles can result in rust stains, while organic pollutants can promote microbial-induced corrosion. These reactions highlight the importance of selecting the right stainless steel grade and maintaining regular cleaning to preserve the tank's durability. 

Let’s understand further the types of water best suited for stainless steel tanks. Understanding this can ensure safe water storage and prolong the tank's lifespan. 

Also, read the  7 Reasons Stainless Steel Panel Tanks are Ideal for Industrial Applications.

Types of Water Best Suited for Stainless Steel Tanks

Here is the list of types of water that are considered the best for stainless steel tanks.

  • Clean and Treated Water

Clean water refers to water that is free from any kind of pollutants and is not contaminated. Treated water is a little different from clean water, it has gone through a purification, chlorination, or UV treatment process that makes it completely safe for drinking. 

  • Low Chloride Water

Low-chloride water refers to water that has low-chloride ions in it. Salt, industrial waste, and fertilizers are all sources of chloride. When it gets mixed with water it increases the water's salinity and increases the probability of corrosion.

Industrial applications such as cooling systems, boilers, and water treatment processes often require low-chloride water. The concentration of high chloride can cause deterioration of the tank.

  • Neutral pH Water

On the pH scale which measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is, a 7 pH level is considered neutral. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline.

Neutral pH water is typically considered pure or balanced, and it’s ideal for drinking and many industrial applications because it does not cause corrosion or scale buildup. 

  • Soft Water

Soft water is water that has a low concentration of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. These minerals are found in hard water and their absence in soft water results in fewer deposits of scale or buildup in pipes and appliances.

  • Oxygenated Water

Oxygenated water is water that has been infused with extra oxygen molecules. The idea behind oxygenated water is that increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water may offer potential health benefits.

Limitations of Stainless Steel Tanks in Storing Highly Saline or Acidic Water

Storing saline or acidic water in stainless steel tanks can be challenging due to the corrosive nature of these types of water. Here's why:

Saline Water 

Saline water is concentrated with salt, especially sodium chloride. The sodium chloride present in the salt accelerates the corrosion in stainless steel. This process happens rapidly especially when the stored water is warm. 

Although Stainless steel is corrosion-resistant continuous exposure to highly saline water initiates weakening the tank.

Acidic Water

Water that has a low pH is considered as acidic water. Acidic water has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions, which tends to react with the metal in stainless steel. 

Over time, this reaction can cause the material to corrode, especially at weld points or if the tank’s protective passive layer (a thin oxide film that protects stainless steel) is damaged. Certain grades of stainless steel can withstand mild acidity, but highly acidic conditions can still cause damage.

But does this mean Welded Stainless Steel Water Tanks are not worth investing in?

The answer is yes it is worth investing, stainless steel water tanks are an outstanding pick when it comes to safe water storage, but they require certain maintenance and preventions from time to time. 

Steps to Maintain Water Quality in Welded Stainless Steel Tanks

Maintaining water quality in welded stainless steel tanks requires a combination of proper tank care, regular inspections, and preventive measures. Here are the steps to ensure optimal water quality.

  • Ensure Proper Welded Stainless Steel Tanks

Always opt for a properly welded stainless steel tank like Beltecno. A welded stainless steel tank as per the industry standards techniques ensures that there are no weak spots, cracks, or space for contamination build-up. 

  • Periodic Cleaning and Sanitization 

Periodic cleaning is essential to avoid any kind of buildup in the tank surface. Always use an approved cleaning agent for cleaning the water tank so it will not corrode the tank or affect its water quality in any way.

Sanitization is also equally important to ensure the tank's health. It avoids the growth of any bacteria or algae. Use chlorine or other recommended disinfectants for sanitization.

  • Monitor Water Quality

Keeping a check on water quality from time to time can help in the maintenance of the tank. Periodically check the pH of the water, the pH of the water should be 7 or can be a little alkaline. 

The neutral pH of water avoids the corrosion and growth of harmful microbes. If the water quality is acidic or saline in nature then replacing the water will be an effective solution.

  • Prevent External Contamination

Ensure the placement of the tank is in a clean and dry environment, where there is less exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants. Protect the tanks from direct sunlight exposure or extreme temperatures if possible.

  • Conduct Regular Inspections 

Regular inspections ensure no leakages, cracks, or signs of potential damage to the tank. 

Conduct this inspection periodically and promptly take the required action to avoid heavy maintenance or replacement costs. 


In this blog, we learned about the kinds of water that could damage the tank in the long run, and which types of water are perfectly suitable for stainless steel water tanks. We also understood just by proper maintenance and prevention, we can extend the lifespan of stainless steel water tanks.

If you are discovering reasons why stainless steel panel tanks are ideal for your industrial applications and want to learn more about how they can meet your specific needs. Contact Us

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