For developing nations fulfilling freshwater demand in the future is becoming a big challenge.

Fresh water has its own limitations in terms of remain fresh for a certain timeline, water infrastructure has to be very strong and reliable if efficiency needs to be improved at all stages. 

To maintain hygiene level of fresh water require efforts in right direction with the right technologies to be introduced. In today's blog we will be discussing the major challenges, developing countries are facing in fulfilling the fresh water demand and what is the way forward to overcome these challenges. 

Major challenges for developing countries to fulfill the fresh water need in future.

In a report name framework of action from USAID following are the major challenges for future and if proper initiative will not taken on time, it could worse the situation ever before. 

  • More than 2.8 billion people will be living in either water-scarce or water-stressed regions of
    the world by 2025.
  • More than 1 billion people lack access to improved water supply services and more than 2
    billion people lack access to improved sanitation, undermining efforts to protect public health.
  • Freshwater ecosystems and environmental services from water resources and watersheds are increasingly at risk from human pressures such as water withdrawals, dam diversions, and
    industrial development.

Fulfilling Freshwater Demand

  • Wetland ecosystems, which serve as buffers against natural disasters, are being lost around the world at alarming rates.
  • Ninety-five percent of wastewater around the world is discharged into the environment without treatment.
  • Nearly 2 million people—the vast majority children under five—die from diarrhea each year, and nearly 90 percent of diarrhea is attributed to unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene.
  • Ninety percent of all disaster-related deaths are water-related.
  • More than 260 watersheds, containing more than 40 percent of the world’s population, are
    shared by two or more countries.

What is the way forward to overcome these challenges ?

To make water resources reliable and more sustainable governing bodies need to allocate right resources at the right place with accurate monitoring KPIs.

Stakeholders need to understand the urgency of the problem and for that awareness campaigns can play important role, governments need to allocate innovative people to design campaigns according to the locality and communities living in their countries. 


Below are the major areas where most of the emphasize need to be put in. 

1) How can it be increased access to, and effective use of, safe drinking water and sanitation to improve human health ?

2) How we can improve water resources management, water storage, water supply and infrastructure with optimal quality. 

3) And what are the ways to increase the productivity of water resources within each locality and states. 


Beltecno is one of the major supplier of stainless steel panel tanks to fulfill the need of storage of potable water in industries and commercial areas in more hygienic manner.

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